Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly. Here are the release notes from version 130, 131 and 132.

Kernel dump configuration support added

Kernel crash dump configuration is now possible in Cockpit: view and toggle the status of the kdump service, with hints how to enable if the kernel boot parameters need to be changed. Cockpit shows the amount of reserved memory and setting a path for dumping the kernel on the local filesystem, with a toggle for compressing the crash dumps. Take a look at the video below for a demo.

MAC addresses for ethernet adapters and bonds can be modified

On the Networking page, MAC addresses for ethernet adapters can now be clicked to edit them, starting with NetworkManager version 1.4. For bonds, the MAC addresses are shown and can be edited starting with NetworkManager version 1.6. Take a look at the video below for a demo.

Show session virtual Machines on the machines page

Libvirt differentiates between system virtual machines and session ones, which are tied to the user. In Cockpit all the virtual machines accessible to the logged in user, system and session, are now shown in a combined list.

Session virtual machines

SELinux functionality is now available without setroubleshootd

The SELinux page in Cockpit can do more than just troubleshoot. It was therefore renamed to SELinux and the functionality of toggling between enforcing/permissive mode is now also available even if setroubleshoot-server isn’t installed. This was cause for unexpected behavior on Atomic Host systems without setroubleshoot-server where it’s non-trivial and often undesired to add that package.

SELinux without troubleshooting

Try it out

Cockpit 132 is available now:

Use the packages to install this version of Cockpit. When installing from the tarball, remove /etc/systemd/system/cockpit.service.d/fatal.conf manually afterwards to prevent Cockpit from exiting in rare cases.